The piper is not one to sit still while others work, so these past few months have been especially hard on her, even with WWOOFers cheerfully pitching in to take over her chores and ease my burden of managing the farm alone. She doesn't respond well to requests to slow down, rest, or be careful. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that she's an avid Red Sox fan, I'm not sure how I would have gotten her to slow down at all--thank heavens for the concept of the "DL" (Disabled List). Only after a reminder that "even star players end up on the DL for months at a time..." could she be convinced to lay down with an ice pack for the afternoon. (It also helped that, thanks to the clock radio, she was able to lay there and listen to baseball games!)
She found the first couple of post-surgery therapy visits pretty excruciating. The muscles hadn't been engaging properly due to the inflammation and misplaced cartilage, so her kneecap was no longer being held in place and riding smoothly where it ought to be. The Piper dutifully performed her prescribed strengthening exercises and acquired a special brace to keep the kneecap from "floating."
Last week, she came home from physical therapy with a new look.
Well, that is a happier knee indeed. Congratulations Piper! I hope that smiling knee will keep on grinning for the world to see. xoxoxoxo and kefir kisses!
Glad to hear the recovery is coming along.
Hurray for perseverance, hurray for SomeOne who can take over when need be, and hurray for healing! And double hurray for those WOOFers who made it all work! May the pipers knee grow strong again, and soon be just a distant memory marked by those honor marks called "Scars"!
It is my belief that the caretaker in these instances suffers more than the sick/injured one. ;o} Just sayin'.
Good to have a post from you again. I've missed you. (I know you've been super-busy. No guilt intended.)
Your Fairy Blog Mother
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